We will update this post to link to the actual recipes each time new one is released. The mod works through a fake DirectX 9 DLL that behaves just like the real deal but adds a bit of extra code to the render loop. The steps below will allow you to download and install Bibles inside of ProPresenter 4 and ProPresenter 5.
Please note that the way to install Bibles changed in ProPresenter 6 and so if you are using ProPresenter 6 you will need to use the instructions in this article. Installing Bibles in Pro4 and Pro5 is done in a three-part process. purchasing, downloading and then installing. Licensed Bibles will need to be purchased from our Store. Head to our Bible Store page, select the Bibles you would like to purchase and add them to your cart. Once you check out, you will receive your Bible unlock codes at that time. Please note that Public Domain Bibles are free and you can skip this step if you are looking to download a free Public Domain Bible.
There are some Bibles that are marked 'Pro6 Only' and unfortunately these Bibles are using a new database structure and will not be able to be made available for Pro4/Pro5 users. To download a purchased licensed Bible, enter your Bible unlock code in the text box at the top right of the Bible Store page.